PROWATER is a registered water carrier for A-grade drinking water.
We can offer you:

Residential and commercial water tank fills

Tank cleaning

Swimming pool fills

WINZ approved quotes

Industrial and work site supply

A professional, family-run and friendly service

water delivery
We use three suppliers for water. These suppliers are also Taumata Arowai approved so this means the water supply is regularly tested and must meet drinking water standards.
Pine Harbour Water
Coastal Purewater
Coastal Purewater Limited’s state of the art treatment plant uses a containerised filtration unit imported from Australia with the latest innovations to water purification. The water is extracted from a deep (275m) aquifer, and stored in two 30,000l “raw” water tanks. This is then drawn into the purification plant to start its process. The raw water, which contains minerals is pumped into vessels where the “magic” or oxidation process occurs by stripping out the impurities via oxidation.
Once the impurities are removed, the water then travels through fine paper filters for any further particle removal prior to UV treatment. These processes of purification set this water output to five times greater than that of the Drinking Water Standard. The UV filter treats the water to remove any traces of bacteria prior to storage for delivery.

Pine Harbour Living’s water supply is sourced from a sustainable aquifer at a depth of 175m. The water originates from a large catchment area, starting from the Whitford hill country. After filtering down through many layers, the water forms the aquifer that flows beneath us and out into the ocean. Having taken approximately 170 years to reach our local access point, the water picks up natural minerals, many of which are believed to be beneficial for healthy living.
The purity of the water allows for minimal treatment while still retaining its freshness and integrity. Pine Harbour Water complies with Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules (DWQAR) (Taumata Arowai, 2022) as required by the Water Services Act 2021.
Watercare (town water)
Tanker operators like ourselves use Watercare's tanker filling stations to get access to bulk water supplies for our customers. The closest filling station for the Manukau area is Otara.
Watercare collects Auckland’s drinking water from dams, rivers and underground aquifers across the region. This raw water can contain contaminants, ranging from large debris to micro-organisms.
At treatment plants they make sure the water meets the requirements of the Ministry of Health’s Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand 2005 (revised 2008). They also constantly monitor and test water quality.
They add fluoride to public water supplies which is a proven health measure to reduce tooth decay and strengthen teeth.
Pine Harbour Water
10,000L $275
13,000L $300
Coastal Purewater
10,000L $300
13,000L $325
Watercare (town water)
10,000L $330
13,000L $355
These prices cover deliveries in Beachlands, Maraetai, Whitford and some of Clevedon. For other areas, please contact us for pricing. Prices include GST.
Tank Cleaning
We offer a tank cleaning service. Details and pricing available on request.
book your delivery now
Orders and enquiries: 021 530 727